Test Cases

Test Cases

The Centinel Testing Facility is available to assist your integration efforts, by performing various predefined integration tests based on best practices. Once you've completed integration with your site, you can begin testing by sending messages to the testing facility using defined test cases. Each test case will generate a unique response that your integration should be able to account for, and handle properly. The recommended actions are also included within the test cases.

To support end-to-end certification requirements of eCommerce systems, the Centinel Test environment supports the various test case outcomes to be invoked using the following value:

Personal Account Number (PAN) = CardNumber

To run any other test cases that are not supported in this guide, please contact your Cardinal Activation Manager.

Additionally, if you run into any error messages in the following table during testing, the cause of the error is displayed on the right side of the table. Please note that specific ErrorNo and ErrorDesc are dependent on the Thin Client that is used. 

Error MessagesCause of Error
Red alert message if TermUrl is not an absolute Url.TermUrl MUST be an absolute Url. Relative Urls will not work.
Red alert message if TermUrl contains PAN.TermUrl data MUST not contain the PAN.
Red alert message if TermUrl contains MessageId.TermUrl data MUST not contain the Cardinal TransactionId, it may contain the shopping cart SessionId.
Red alert message if TermUrl length > 1024.TermUrl max length is 1024.
Red alert message if ACSUrl has been Url Encoded.ACSUrl was modified, Url Encoding issue.
Red alert message if ACSUrl has been Url Decoded.ACSUrl was modified, Url Decoding issue.
Red alert message if MD contains PAN.MD data MUST not contain the PAN.
Red alert message if MD contains MessageId.MD data MUST not contain the Cardinal TransactionId, it may contain the shopping cart SessionId.
Red alert message if MD length > 1024.MD max length is 1024.
Red alert message if PaReq has been Url Encoded.PaReq was modified, Url Encoding issue.
Red alert message if PaReq has been Url Decoded.PaReq was modified, Url Decoding issue.
Red alert message if PaReq has been modified.PaReq was modified.
Red alert message if unrecognized test case.Not a recognized test case. Adjust AcqId, MerId or PAN.