Added a new configuration to allow for traffic to be routed to either the Cardinal Data Center or the Visa Data Center.
Bug fix: resolved issue where ipAddress not present in DeviceData
Bug fix for targeting Android API level 34. It is recommended to skip 2.2.7-4 and use 2.2.7-5 instead.
Code changes to help applications better manage a potential crash due to Android killing background applications. Please see our documentation for more details and code samples.
Support for Android API level 34
NOTICE: a bug was discovered in this release, which has been resolved in 2.2.7-5. Therefore, it is recommend to upgrade from 2.2.7-3 to 2.2.7-5 and bypass 2.2.7-4.
Enhancements to resolve authentication Challenge Response scenarios when an unexpected value is returned
API level upgrade to v33
Updates to location/user data consent per Google's Data Safety Policy
Challenge Performance Updates
Resolve exception on Bluetooth permissions for API 31 and above
Resolved issues related to 'dataRoaming' data field for API 31+
Updates to Device Data collection related to Google Play's User Data Policy
Resolution for isValidatedfunctionality on the Validate response
NOTICE: We have identified an inconsistency in functionality within the 2.2.6-1 release. The validated boolean property within the Validate Response may not be accessible. If your integration uses this in your processing logic, you may experience compilation issues.
If you encounter the above issue, it is advised you continue to target version 2.2.5-4. We will be deploying a follow-up release (2.2.6-2) to address this inconsistency in the coming weeks.
Added support for AndroidX
Performance improvements with latest Android technology adoption
Updates to bitmap downloads
Added fallbacks when no values are provided forissuerImageandpsImagewhen rendering challenge screens
Updates to SDK Interface HTML logic & rendering, including URL validation
Update to memory management for Challenge Screens
Update to the handling of closing challenge screens
Removes Task on Challenge completion, removing the Activity from the Task list
Prevents scenario where the Challenge Activity remains in memory after completion
Disable Autofill functionality on the Challenge Data Entry TextBox within the native OTP/Text template to resolve an app crash issue on devices with API Level 28 (Android 9)
Update to gracefully handle variable inclusion of densities (extraHigh, high, medium) for issuerImage and psImagewhen rendering challenge screens
Added new error message on Init() when SDK Render Type includes HTML and SDK UI Type is set to "NATIVE"
Added new logging module to enable better troubleshooting (Note: no account numbers, transaction information, or sensitive consumer information are captured by the SDK logs)
Added new configuration setting to optionally disable logging
Deprecated Quick Authentication (see product announcement)
Deprecated the use of an Account Number during init
Removed deprecated method getTimeout() and setTimeout(int timeout)