Ch 8 - (2020-01-30) - Amount & Currency Validation (Revision)

Ch 8 - (2020-01-30) - Amount & Currency Validation (Revision)

Changes made on 2020-01-30 are delineated below.

Additions are underlined in Green. Deletions are underlined in Red. Modifications are underlined in Blue.

Change Log:

Under Step 9: Handling the CCA Response

  • Removed “Currently, Amount and Currency will only be returned on EMV 3DS transactions. Additional work to populate these values in all 3DS versions is underway.”

    • This feature is now available for all supported 3DS versions.

The below example is what you should expect the response JWT to contain on a successful CCA transaction.

{ "iss": "5b7eb7072f3e7305c029cd39", "iat": 1576870062, "exp": 1576877262, "jti": "0316f090-17af-4c91-b840-94a44fac198c", "ConsumerSessionId": "0_00b447b6-9072-4c21-9c7f-09a0d535fc6f", "ReferenceId": "0_00b447b6-9072-4c21-9c7f-09a0d535fc6f", "aud": "c56797a0-235e-11ea-96b5-9b6c28b8308b", "Payload": { "Validated": true, "Payment": { "Type": "CCA", "ProcessorTransactionId": "Mbmr4329wVoH43M3w7a0", "ExtendedData": { "Amount": "1500", "CAVV": "MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTA=", "CurrencyCode": "840", "ECIFlag": "05", "ThreeDSVersion": "2.1.0", "PAResStatus": "Y", "SignatureVerification": "Y" } }, "ActionCode": "SUCCESS", "ErrorNumber": 0, "ErrorDescription": "Success" } }

NOTE: It is highly recommended that you verify the Amount and Currency values within the response prior to sending to authorization. The values returned on payments.validated will represent the values used during authentication; these values should match the values at the time of authorization. Currently, Amount and Currency will only be returned on EMV 3DS transactions. Additional work to populate these values in all 3DS versions is underway.