Ch 13 (06/19/2019 Update): Changed AMEX Test Case 11 for 1.0 transactions

***Changes made on 06/19/2019 are delineated below in Red.***

Update to the page: Changed AMEX Test Case 11 for 1.0 transactions.

American Express SafeKey

Test Case 11: Authentication Unavailable

ScenarioCardholder enrolled - authentication unavailable.
Test Values

EXP Date: 01/****

PAN: 340000000000116

Expected Results - Lookup

cmpi_lookup response

Enrolled = Y

ACSUrl = <Url>

Payload = <value>

ErrorNo = 0

ErrorDesc = <blank>

Expected Results - Authentication

cmpi_authenticate response

PAResStatus = U

SignatureVerification = Y

EciFlag = 07

Xid = <Xid Value>

Cavv = <blank>

ErrorNo = 0

ErrorDesc = <blank>

Merchant ActionMerchant can retry authentication or process authorization as merchant liability. 
Liability ShiftNo