
This is the Encrypted Data Exchange API endpoint for information on how to encrypt see our integration guide. Included on this page are all the required fields and objects to run a registration check for either an enrollment or authentication flow using VPPS.

Connection URL’s


Signature Number required

A mathematical scheme for verifying the authenticity of digital messages or documents

TimeStamp String or Number required

This value can be an ISO 8601 format or, Unix Epoch Time milliseconds in numeric format.

Example: 2024-07-21T17:32:28Z or, 1709659521000

Identifier String required

API Key Identifier or Name value

OrgUnitId String required

Processor/Merchant level OrgUnitId

Algorithm String required

The hashing algorithm used to generate the Signature value. Valid options include:

  • SHA-256

  • SHA-512

Payload Object required

The Payload containing fields and a payment object.

AccountNumber String required

The account number to profile or the network tokens. Account number must be the full PAN of the cardholder between 13-19 digits.

Do not send a partial PAN in this field.

CardBrand String required

Types of cards used for purchase. Currently VISA is the only supported card brand for FIDO.

ReferenceID String required

A Cardinal generated identifier used to ensure that a data remains accurate during the various calls.

AcquirerCountryCode String required

Issuers need to be aware of the acquirer's country code when the acquirer country differs from the merchant country. This field is required for a merchant acquiring in India and the European Economic Area (EEA).

This should be in alignment with ISO 3166-1

LanguagePreference Array required

A list of preferred languages used during an authentication prompt. The preferred option will be the left most option.

Example:  ["en", "es"]

Email String required

The cardholder’s email.

Payment Object required

Contains payment fields.



Amount String required

The total transaction amount with decimalization.

CurrencyCode String required

A 3-digit alpha ISO 4217 currency code for the sale amount.

MerchantName String required

The name of the merchant requesting the FIDO transaction. This value will be presented to the merchant during the authentication step.


{ "Signature": "KmL2SLBeTRRU9TlxA6XfnAYg5yWn1QwEO0GL1RtP8mg=", "Timestamp": "2024-02-21T20:10:20.872Z", "Identifier": "59c282d02f3e7357b4aa6f13", "OrgUnitId": "59c2745f2f3e7357b4aa516a", "Algorithm": "SHA-256", "Payload": { "AccountNumber": "400009******0800", "CardBrand":"Visa", "ReferenceId": "12345-1234-123145-1423", "AcquirerCountryCode": "840", "LanguagePreference": ["en", "es"], "Email": "someone@somewhere.com", "Payment": { "Amount": "12.34", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "MerchantName": "Amazon", } } }


ErrorNumber String required

An identifier of who is issuing the JWT. Used to contain the Api Key identifier or name.

Error Description String required

Processor/Merchant level OrgUnitId

RequestId String required

The session identifier for the merchant to pass on all subsequent requests.

Payload Object required

The Payload containing fields and a payment object

Account Object required

Indicates information related to the Account.

Issuer Object required

Indicates information related to the Issuer.

ReferenceId String required

This identifier represents the DeviceDataCollection session that has been started and must be passed in the Authentication JWT when invoking the DeviceDataCollectionUrl.

CardBrand String required

Types of cards used for purchase. Currently VISA is the only supported card brand for FIDO.

LastFour String required

Unformatted total transaction amount without any decimalization.

FIDO Object Conditional

An object with FIDO specific fields

Required for FIDO transactions


FlowType String Required

Indicates the flow type of the FIDO process with three possible values:

  • ENROLLMENT- Move forward with a 3DS authentication to continue the enrollment flow.

  • AUTHENTICATION- Move forward with FIDO authentication by running the /FIDO/Challenge request.

  • FAILURE- Move forward with 3DS authentication without FIDO.

ReasonCode String Conditional

The error code for the FIDO attempt. Only returned in an error scenario

ReasonDescription String Conditional

The error description for the FIDO attempt. Only returned in an error scenario

{ "ErrorNumber": 0, "ErrorDescription": "Success", "RequestId": "b3933183-48df-409f-94ff-12952364009b", "Payload": { "Account": { "CardBrand": "Visa", "LastFour": "0094", "FIDO": { "FlowType": "ENROLLMENT", "ReasonCode": "1001", "ReasonDescription": "Error" } }, "Issuer": { "SupportedVersions": [ { "Version": "2.1.0", "Capabilities": [ "AuthenticationAvailableAtACS", "DAF" ], "MethodURLPresent": true }, { "Version": "2.2.0", "Capabilities": [ "AuthenticationAvailableAtACS", "DecoupledAuthentication", "DataOnly", "DelegatedAuthentication", "IssuerTRA", "DAF" ], "MethodURLPresent": true } ] }, "ReferenceId": "51ca6679-12ed-47c4-8982-1a29e10d4587" } }