Versions Compared


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The user’s device must have platform authenticators such as Face ID or Touch ID biometrics and the browser in use must be FIDO compatible for enrollment to occurto enroll with Visa Payment Passkey. Currently, Cardinal can only enroll Visa branded cards.

Both the Enrollment Flow and the Authentication Flow use the same FIDO endpoints, the difference between the flows is not the endpoints but the order in which the steps are taken.

Table of Contents

1. Compatibility Check

To do a compatibility check the integrator will generate an iframe and use Cardinal's new endpoint to ensure that users meet the basic requirements for FIDOVPP.


Generating the iframe

Below is a simple way to generate an iframe while meeting Cardinal’s requirements.

  1. Cardinal requires a JWT to be generated on the backend.

  2. The backend will then render the JWT in the hidden JWT field.

  3. The page loads in the browser and auto-submits the form to the iframe.

Once the form is submitted, the parent page can’t read the content loaded within the iframe.

FIDO Initialize Session code sample

Code Block
 <iframe name='fidoInitializeIFrame' height="10" width="10" style="visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px;"> </iframe>
<form id="fidoInitializeForm" target="fidoInitializeIFrame" name="fidoInitialize" method="POST" action="">
 <input type="hidden" name="JWT" value="Transactional JWT generated per specification" />
<script>window.onload = function () {
    // Auto submit form on page load

This is an HTML snippet that contains an iframe, a form, and a JavaScript. This example shows a simple way to inject an iframe on page load.

  1. <iframe>: It's a HTML element used to embed another HTML document within the current HTML document. The given iframe is named 'fidoInitializeIFrame' and is hidden from view (with visibility set to 'hidden' and positioned off-screen).

  2. <form>: The form is configured to POST to the URL '', and the target of this form submission is the previously mentioned iframe. This form includes a hidden input field named 'JWT' and the value is set as 'Transactional JWT generated per specification'. This suggests that a JSON Web Token should be generated and inserted into this field as part of the form submission data.

  3. <script>: When the window is loaded, the script automatically submits the form with id 'fidoInitializeForm'. This means that as soon as the HTML page loads, the form will be submitted automatically without any user interaction.

In summary, when this HTML page is loaded, it automatically submits a form containing a JWT to a specified URL, and the response from that submission will be loaded into a hidden iframe.

POST to /FIDO/Init with JWT

The /FIDO/Init request uses the same JWT request format as other Cardinal Cruise endpoints. See our existing JWT documentation for instructions on creating and formatting the base JWT.
When the customer lands on the merchant page, the integrator should create a hidden iframe and call the new /FIDO/Init endpoint with the new field merchantorigin located in the payload in the sample request below:

Code Block
  "iss": "ApiKeyId",
  "jti": "6325c60f-d31c-4450-8184-30699ebac69c",
  "iat": 1448997865,
  "OrgUnitId": "MyOrgUnit",
  "ReturnUrl": "",
  "ObjectifyPayload": true,
  "Payload": {
     "MerchantOrigin": ""

This FIDO call only supports SHA-256 algorithm when generating a signature for the JWT.

For more information on origins go here:

/FIDO/Init Response with JWT

Receiving a successful response on the ReturnUrl will include a JWT payload with a ReferenceId value used for all subsequent calls in a FIDO VPP transaction.


Be sure to validate your JWT. For more information go to JWT Validation .

Code Block
  "iss": "5f0780aeadf32541e357357a",
  "iat": 1715173482,
  "exp": 1715180682,
  "jti": "6325c60f-d31c-4450-8184-30699ebac69c",
  "aud": "739debe0-799e-43fd-8bab-e254340cd745",
  "Payload": {
    "ReferenceId": "1234-12345-1234-1234",
    "ErrorNumber": 0,

. Registration Check

Cardinal FIDO uses our Integrators use the Data Exchange API (DX API) to determine whether a user is already enrolled in FIDOVisa Payment Passkey (VPP). The DX API is a versatile set of endpoints that provide additional information and real-time insights into the transaction process prior to authentication. In the context of FIDOVPP, the DX API’s /Encrypted/GetInfo endpoint is leveraged to determine the FIDO VPP enrollment status of the cardholder, as well as what authentication programs are supported by the PAN’s ACS.

If you are not already integrated to the Data Exchange API, we recommend going to: Data Exchange API.


Data Exchange Request

Listed below is the Data Exchange request with the new Payment Object and the following listed fields added for FIDOVPP:

Payment Object:

  • Amount- The total transaction amount formatted with a decimal.

  • CurrencyCode- A 3-character alpha ISO 4217 currency code for the sale amount.

  • MerchantName- The name of the merchant requesting the FIDO VPP transaction.

New Fields not in the Payment Object:

  • LanguagePreference- An array to indicate the supported language preference with the ISO 639-1 alpha-2 code, which consists of two-letter codes for languages.

  • Email - The cardholder's email.

When sending to the /Encrypted/GetInfo endpoint be sure to include the same ReferenceId value returned by Cardinal from the /FIDO/Init response.

Code Block
  "Signature": "KmL2SLBeTRRU9TlxA6XfnAYg5yWn1QwEO0GL1RtP8mg=",
  "Timestamp": "2024-02-21T20:10:20.872Z",
  "OrgUnitId": "59c2745f2f3e7357b4aa516a",
  "Algorithm": "SHA-256",
  "Payload": {
    "AccountNumber": "400009******0800",
    "AcquirerCountryCode": "840",
    "LanguagePreference": ["en", "es"],
    "ReferenceId": "12345-1234-123145-1423",
    "Email": "",
    "Payment": {
      "Amount": "12.34",
      "CurrencyCode": "USD",
      "MerchantName": "Merchant",

Handling the Data Exchange Response

When you receive a response that has the new FIDO sub-object with the following new fields:

  • FlowType -Determines whether the integrator can enroll or authenticate the cardholder using FIDOVPP.

  • ReasonCode - Present when failure is returned in the FlowType field.

  • ReasonDescription- Present when failure is returned in the FlowType field.

The integrator should expect to receive a Flow Type of "Enrollment" for an enrollment flow as shown in the sample code below:

Code Block
    "ErrorNumber": "0",
    "ErrorDescription": "Success",
    "RequestId": "b3933183-48df-409f-94ff-12952364009b",
    "Payload": {
        "Account": {
            "CardBrand": "Visa",
            "LastFour": "0094",
            "FIDO": {
                "FlowType": "ENROLLMENT", 
                "ReasonCode": "0",
                "ReasonDescription": "Success"
        "Issuer": {
            "SupportedVersions": [
                    "Version": "2.1.0",
                    "Capabilities": [
                    "MethodURLPresent": "true",
                    "Version": "2.2.0",
                    "Capabilities": [
                    "MethodURLPresent": true
        "ReferenceId": "51ca6679-12ed-47c4-8982-1a29e10d4587"

3. Device Data Collection

The Device Data Collection process remains unchanged from its implementation in normal 3DS authentication with one important caveat:

When using DDC with FIDOVPP, the ReferenceId in the DDC call must be the same ReferenceId returned by the Data Exchange API in step 2.

After Device Data Collection is complete, the integrator will then run the cmpi_ lookup request.

4. EMV 3DS SCA Transaction with CMPI Lookup

The cmpi_lookup request call is part of the Cardinal Cruise API. An overview of this request call and its responses can be found in our cmpi_lookup documentation. The cmpi_lookup request has required fields and extra, conditional fields that allow it to be configured for a specific purpose.

The following fields are required for FIDO Visa Payment Passkey on the cmpi_lookup request:

  • Email

  • CardNumber (PAN)

  • DFReferenceId

  • ChallengeIndicator

  • Currency Code

  • Amount

The Email, CardNumber (PAN), DFReferenceId, Amount and CurrencyCode are required fields in the cmpi_lookup, and these fields must match what was sent earlier in the registration check.


The integrator must convert the amount value from decimalized on the Registration Check to non-decimalized on the cmpi_lookup request. Example: 28.53 to 2853

Conditional Field for CMPI Lookup

In the context of the FIDO VPP Enrollment Flow, one conditional field is the following conditional fields are required:








For FIDO VPP enrollment flow the Challenge Indicator should either be:

  • 03 04 = Challenge requested (3DS Requestor PreferenceMandate)

  • 04 = Challenge requested (Mandate)

Handling the cmpi_Authenticate




For VPP enrollment flow the Integrator should send the value of:

  • 80

Handling the cmpi_Authenticate Response

After the cmpi_lookup request is sent with the required fields in the correct format then authentication continues as expected. A successful challenge is required to move forward with FIDO VPP enrollment. If the integrator does not receive a successful challenge response on the cmpi_lookup authenticate response, then the FIDO VPP enrollment flow cannot continue.

A new field has been added to the cmpi_authenticate response that is required for successful FIDO VPP enrollments. The new field is called FidoEligible and the integrator should expect a response of “This transaction is FIDO Eligible, please continue with FIDO Enrollment.” This new field can also be found in the spec.

At this point 3DS authentication is complete and the integrator completes the order, but the cardholder still needs to enroll in FIDOVisa Payment Passkey.

5. Enrolling the User



Integrator Generates the Challenge Iframe

Please review the code sample below for an example on how to best generate the Challenge iframe.

Code Block
<iframe name='fidoChallengeIframe' style= "position: relative; width:327px; height:393px; border:0px;" </iframe>
<form id="fidoChallengeForm" target="fidoChallengeIframe" name="fidochallenge" method="POST" action="">
<input type="hidden" name="JWT" value="Transactional JWT generated per specification" />
<script>window.onload = function () {
        // Auto submit form on page load
FIDO Challenge

Visa Payment Passkey Enrollment Request with JWT

The /FIDO challenge /Challenge request uses the same JWT request format as other Cardinal Cruise endpoints. See our existing JWT documentation for instructions on creating and formatting the base JWT. As with other specialized uses of JWTs in the API, the challenge JWT has a Payload payload object that contains Enroll specific claims, as well as two extra claims in the main body: ReferenceId and ReturnURL.

Code Block
   "iss": "MyMerchant-Api-Key-Id",
   "jti": "My-UUID-for-this-request",
   "iat": 1448997865,
   "OrgUnitId": "M59c2745f2f3e7357b4aa516a",
   "ReturnUrl": "",
   "ObjectifyPayload": true,
   "ReferenceId": "1234-54322-12354-6454"

This FIDO call only supports SHA-256 algorithm when generating a signature for the JWT.

After the request has been sent to Cardinal the cardholder will be prompted with enrollment and will fill out the form and complete the FIDO Challengechallenge. Cardinal then sends the FIDO challenge response.

FIDO Challenge

Visa Payment Passkey Enrollment Response with JWT

The /FIDO/Challenge endpoint will return the response as a JWT like most Cardinal Cruise API endpoints. This section details the Payload claim within the enroll JWT, which contains information unique to this endpoint. Please refer to the existing /wiki/spaces/STAG/pages/3369795722 documentation on JWTs for more information on handling JWT responses.

Sample Enrolled Challenge Response:

Code Block
  "iss": "MyMerchant-Api-Key-Id",
  "ref": "My-UUID-for-this-request",
  "iat": 1448997865,
  "exp": 1471021692,
  "OrgUnitId": "59c2745f2f3e7357b4aa516a",
  "ObjectifyPayload": true,
  "Payload": {
     "ChallengeState": "ENROLLED",
     "ReferenceId": "1234-54322-12354-6454",
     "ErrorNumber": 0,
     "ErrorDescription": "Success"

When the challenge is received the cardholder is both enrolled and authenticated with Cardinal FIDOVisa Payment Passkey.

If a failure occurs, then Cardinal recommends continuing with a 3DS SCA transaction without FIDOVisa Payment Passkey.