Technical Bulletin: Android API Level Minimum Increase

NOTE: Changes were made to the scope of Android 2.2.6-1 which eliminated the impact on the API Level Minimum. The Android API Level Minimum Level will continue to be 21 with the 2.2.6-1 release.

Updated Mar 28, 2022

Beginning with Cardinal Mobile SDK version 2.2.6-1, the minimum Android API level will increase from 21 to 23. We anticipate Cardinal Mobile SDK version 2.2.6-1 to be published within Q4 of 2021.

This change will require action on your part.


This increase is a result of the Cardinal Mobile SDK leveraging the AndroidX Security API. These updates continue to evolve the Cardinal Mobile SDK as a leading provider for EMV 3DS app channel processing. 

This update also positions the Cardinal Mobile SDK to adhere with expected EMV 3DS 2.3.0 guidance of a minimum of Android 8.0 (API level 26). This minimum level will (once again) increase following the official publication of EMV 3DS 2.3.0 (anticipated by the end of 2021) and will be enforced following Cardinal’s certification with EMVCo. This update corresponds directly with Visa’s security guidance on Android API support and upcoming Google Play Store policy changes.


IMPORTANT: To continue utilizing the Cardinal Mobile SDK you will need to update your mobile application(s) minimum API level to align with the minimum specified in the Cardinal Mobile SDK. Cardinal Mobile SDK version 2.2.6-1 will also require to be added as a dependency within the build.gradle file in your application. 

Once Cardinal Mobile SDK version 2.2.6-1 is published, it will be necessary to download the updated SDK package and test in your lower environment(s). We will send out communication when the Cardinal Mobile SDK version 2.2.6-1 is published.

For assistance on updating to version 2.2.6-1 and updating your minimum Android API level, please reach out to your CardinalCommerce account manager or Cardinal’s support channels.