Cardinal Mobile SDK iOS Integration Documentation

Cardinal Mobile SDK iOS Integration Documentation


Activation Steps

Cardinal wants to get you up and running with CCA as quickly and seamlessly as possible. This section of the document will outline the simple steps that are necessary in order to take advantage of Cardinal Mobile SDK..

Step 4 - Setup the Initial Call to Cardinal

Calling cardinal session setup will begin the communication process with Cardinal to ensure your user's experience is seamless, by authenticating your credentials (serverJwt) and completing the data collection process. By the time they are ready to checkout, all necessary pre-processing will be completed.Use the code snippet below for completing the cardinal session setup

The following function call must be placed in your Checkout ViewController.

NSString *jwtString = @"INSERT_YOUR_JWT_HERE";

[session setupWithJWT:jwtString 
		  didComplete:^(NSString * _Nonnull consumerSessionId){
    // You may have your Submit button disabled on page load. Once you are setup
    // for CCA, you may then enable it. This will prevent users from submitting
    // their order before CCA is ready.
} didValidate:^(CardinalResponse * _Nonnull validateResponse) {
   	// Handle failed setup
    // If there was an error with setup, cardinal will call this function with
    // validate response and empty serverJWT
let jwtString = "INSERT_YOUR_JWT_HERE"

session.setup(jwtString: jwtString, completed: { (consumerSessionId: String) in
    // You may have your Submit button disabled on page load. Once you are setup
    // for CCA, you may then enable it. This will prevent users from submitting
    // their order before CCA is ready.
}) { (validateResponse: CardinalResponse) in
    // Handle failed setup
    // If there was an error with setup, cardinal will call this function with
    // validate response and empty serverJWT

The following feature is deprecated as of 2.2.4

If you already have the credit card number and just need to pass it to Cardinal, you can pass it in cardinal session setup.It is ideal in a flow where the consumer has already entered their payment information.
 Objective-C : Cardinal Set up with Account Number
NSString *accountNumberString = @"1234567890123456";
NSString *jwtString = @"INSERT_YOUR_JWT_HERE";

[session setupWithJWT:jwtString 
		  didComplete:^(NSString * _Nonnull consumerSessionId) {
    // You may have your Submit button disabled on page load. Once you are setup
    // for CCA, you may then enable it. This will prevent users from submitting
    // their order before CCA is ready.
} didValidate:^(CardinalResponse * _Nonnull validateResponse) {
   	// Handle failed setup
    // If there was an error with setup, cardinal will call this function with
    // validate response and empty serverJWT        
 Swift : Cardinal Setup with AccountNumber
let accountNumberString = "1234567890123456"
let jwtString = "INSERT_YOUR_JWT_HERE"

session.setup(jwtString: jwtString, 
				account: accountNumberString, 
			  completed: { (consumerSessionId: String) in
    // You may have your Submit button disabled on page load. Once you are setup
    // for CCA, you may then enable it. This will prevent users from submitting
    // their order before CCA is ready.
}) { (validateResponse: CardinalResponse) in
    // Handle failed setup
    // If there was an error with setup, cardinal will call this function with
    // validate response and empty serverJWT

Step 5 - Create a Lookup Request/Response to Centinel 

Create an API call to your backend server in order to send a Lookup Request (cmpi_lookup) to Cardinal's Centinel platform for initiating the Consumer Authentication transaction.  The Centinel platform manages all of the routing and connectivity, as well as the rules engine for all of the various 3-D Secure protocols and versions.  Please follow the Getting Started and Lookup Request/Response sections for completing your backend integration: Cardinal (cmpi) Messages 

Required Field for identifying as an SDK transaction : 

    • <DeviceChannel>SDK</DeviceChannel>
    • <DFReferenceId>ReferenceId</DFReferenceId>

ReferenceId is consumerSessionId returned on setup completion, if no referenceID is passed in serverJwt. Else you can use that referenceID as DFReferenceId

Step 6 - Handle the Centinel Lookup Response and create the Authentication Session

After the completion of the cmpi_lookup request, check the CMPI_Lookup_Response for the following fields : 

  • ThreeDSVersion = 2.X ( 2.0, 2.1, etc)
  • Enrolled = Y
  • PAResStatus = C

Upon validating the above fields, you will call [session continueWithTransactionId.. ] to hand control to SDK for performing the challenge between the user and the issuing bank. Use the code snippet below for completing the session's continue

cardinal session continue is updated without the hardcoded directoryServerID.

 [session continueWithTransactionId: @"[TRANSACTION_ID]" payload: @"[PAYLOAD]" directoryServerID: CCADirectoryServerIDVisa didValidateDelegate: self];

In continue for Quick Integration, a class conforming to a protocol CardinalValidationDelegate (and implement a method stepUpDidValidate) should be passed as a parameter. Following is the example of class conforming to CardinalValidationDelegate protocol.

@interface YourViewController()<CardinalValidationDelegate>{ //Conform your ViewController or any other class to CardinalValidationDelegate protocol
@implementation YourViewController
     * This method is triggered when the transaction has been terminated.This is how SDK hands back
     * control to the merchant's application. This method will
     * include data on how the transaction attempt ended and
     * you should have your logic for reviewing the results of
     * the transaction and making decisions regarding next steps.
     * JWT will be empty if validate was not successful
     * @param session
     * @param validateResponse
     * @param serverJWT
    -(void)cardinalSession:(CardinalSession *)session stepUpDidValidateWithResponse:(CardinalResponse *)validateResponse serverJWT:(NSString *)serverJWT{

If continue is being called in the same class then the following method is called to start StepUpFlow:

[session continueWithTransactionId: @"[TRANSACTION_ID]"
						   payload: @"[PAYLOAD]"
			   didValidateDelegate: self];
class YourViewController:CardinalValidationDelegate {
     * This method is triggered when the transaction has been terminated.This is how SDK hands back
     * control to the merchant's application. This method will
     * include data on how the transaction attempt ended and
     * you should have your logic for reviewing the results of
     * the transaction and making decisions regarding next steps.
     * JWT will be empty if validate was not successful
     * @param session
     * @param validateResponse
     * @param serverJWT
    func cardinalSession(cardinalSession session: CardinalSession!, stepUpValidated validateResponse: CardinalResponse!, serverJWT: String!) {


If continue is being called in the same class then the following method is called to start StepUpFlow:

session.continueWith(transactionId: "[TRANSACTION_ID]", payload: "[PAYLOAD]", validationDelegate: self)

stepUpDidValidate is triggered when the transaction has been terminated. This is how the Cardinal Mobile SDK hands back control to the merchant's application. This event will include data on how the transaction attempt ended and should be where you review the results of the transaction and make decisions regarding the next steps. The field ActionCode should be used to determine the overall state of the transaction. On the first pass, we recommend that on an ActionCode of 'SUCCESS' or 'NOACTION' you send the response JWT to your backend for verification. There is more information on verifying JWT's in the next section.

-(void)cardinalSession:(CardinalSession *)session stepUpDidValidateWithResponse:(CardinalResponse *)validateResponse serverJWT:(NSString *)serverJWT{
    switch (validateResponse.actionCode) {
        case CardinalResponseActionCodeSuccess:
            // Handle successful transaction, send JWT to backend to verify
        case CardinalResponseActionCodeNoAction:
            // Handle no actionable outcome
        case CardinalResponseActionCodeFailure:
            // Handle failed transaction attempt
        case CardinalResponseActionCodeError:
            // Handle service level error

		case CardinalResponseActionCodeCancel:
            // Handle transaction canceled by user

		case CardinalResponseActionCodeTimeout:
            // Handle transaction timeout.

func cardinalSession(cardinalSession session: CardinalSession!, stepUpValidated validateResponse: CardinalResponse!, serverJWT: String!) {
    switch validateResponse.actionCode {
    case .success:
        // Handle successful transaction, send JWT to backend to verify
    case .noAction:
        // Handle no actionable outcome
    case .failure:
        // Handle failed transaction attempt
    case .error:
        // Handle service level error

	case .cancel:
        // Handle transaction canceled by user

	case .timeout:
        // Handle transaction timedout

Step 7 - JWT Validation

Once the response JWT arrives in the onValidated, you will need to send the response JWT to your backend for verification and consumption. We recommend that any values sent to 3rd parties are sourced from the response JWT after it has been properly validated.

Security Warning

For security reasons, all JWT validation must be done on the server side.

Looking for more information?

For more in-depth information on JWT validation including code samples in a few languages, check out the JWT Validation page.

JWT Validation
Please note that each Claim key is case sensitive.
audMerchant jti Id - This is the 'jti' field from your request JWT echoed back. This field allows you to match up your request JWT with Cardinals response JWT.
jtiJWT Id - A unique identifier for this response JWT. This value is generated by Cardinal.
iatIssued At Time - This is a timestamp of when the JWT was created.
issIssuer - The request JWT's iss field echoed back.
ConsumerSessionIdThe unique session Id for the current user.
PayloadThe response object for your request. This field will contain any actual state information on the transaction. This is the decoded data object that is passed into the payments.validated event as the first argument.

JWT Payload Example

Below is an example of the JSON content of a basic response JWT Payload where we are passing an object within the Payload claim:

Raw JWT Sample
    "iss": "56560a358b946e0c8452365ds",
    "iat": 1471014492,
    "exp": 1471021692,
    "jti": "8af34811-f97d-495a-ad19-ec2f68004f28",
    "ConsumerSessionId": "0e1ae450-df2b-4872-94f7-f129a2ddab18",
    "Payload": {
        "Validated": true,
        "Payment": {
            "Type": "CCA",
            "ExtendedData": {
                "CAVV": "AAABAWFlmQAAAABjRWWZEEFgFz+=",
                "ECIFlag": "05",
                "PAResStatus": "Y",
                "SignatureVerification": "Y",
                "XID": "MHEyQjFRQkttemdpaFlRdHowWTA=",
                "Enrolled": "Y"
        "ActionCode": "SUCCESS",
        "ErrorNumber": 0,
        "ErrorDescription": "Success"

Below is an example of the JSON content of a basic response JWT Payload where we are passing a string within the Payload claim. This would occur when the request JWT included a ObjectifyPayload flag set to false:

Stringified JWT Sample
    "iss": "56560a358b946e0c8452365ds",
    "iat": 1471015342,
    "exp": 1471022542,
    "jti": "55ebfa2a-665f-4d6b-81ea-37d1d4d12d9e",
    "ConsumerSessionId": "fb3a97a3-0344-4d3d-93ea-6482d866ec97",
    "Payload": "{\"Validated\":true,\"Payment\":{\"Type\":\"CCA\",\"ExtendedData\":{\"CAVV\":\"AAABAWFlmQAAAABjRWWZEEFgFz+\\u003d\",\"ECIFlag\":\"05\",\"PAResStatus\":\"Y\",\"SignatureVerification\":\"Y\",\"XID\":\"MFpjUVpwb0FXcHdwMWJBdldwNDA\\u003d\",\"Enrolled\":\"Y\"}},\"ActionCode\":\"SUCCESS\",\"ErrorNumber\":0,\"ErrorDescription\":\"Success\"}"

Overall Flow