Ch 28 (10/02/2019 Update): Edited ACSWindowSize Note with merchant configuration language

**Changes made on 10/02/2019 are delineated below in Red.***

Edited ACSWindowSize Note with merchant configuration language


An override field that a merchant can pass in to set the challenge window size to display to the end cardholder.  The ACS will reply with content that is formatted appropriately to this window size to allow for the best user experience.  The sizes are width x height in pixels of the window displayed in the cardholder browser window.

01 - 250x400

02 - 390x400

03 - 500x600

04 - 600x400

05 - Full page

NOTE:  Since this is a 2.0 browser required field, Cardinal will set this value based on what is configured in the profile or passed in on the cmpi_lookup request.
