Ch 55: Removed Test Cases 15, 16 and 17

Changes made on 2020-08-06 are delineated below.

  • Additions are underlined in Green

  • Deletions are underlined in Red

  • Modifications are underlined in Blue

Test Case 15: Prompt for Whitelist


Prompt for Whitelist

Test Values

EXP Date: 01/****

Visa PAN: 4000000000002008

Mastercard PAN: 5200000000002003

American Express PAN: 340000000002005

Discover (Diners Club) PAN: 6011000000002000

CB/VISA PAN: Not Available at this current time, TBD. Please use the supported Visa PAN above.

CB/MC PAN: Not Available at this current time, TBD, Please use the supported Mastercard PAN above.

ELO PAN: Not Available at this current time, TBD

Expected Results - Lookup

cmpi_lookup response

Enrolled = Y

PAResStatus = C

SignatureVerification = Y

Xid = <Xid value> (Amex Only)

Cavv = <blank>

EciFlag = <ECI value>

ACSUrl = <value>

Payload = <value>

ErrorNo = 0

ErrorDesc = <blank>

Expected Results - Authentication

cmpi_authenticate response

PAResStatus = Y

SignatureVerification = Y

whiteListStatus = Y

whiteListStatusSource = <value>

Xid = <Xid value> (Amex Only)

Cavv = <value>

EciFlag = < ECI value>

ErrorNo = 0

ErrorDesc = <blank>

Additional Expected Results - Cardinal Cruise

payments.validated response

ActionCode = SUCCESS

ErrorNumber = 0

ErrorDescription = Success

Merchant Action

Merchant should proceed with the authorization message.

ECI Value 05

Visa, American Express, Discover (Diners Club), CB Visa, ELO

ECI Value 02

Mastercard, CB Mastercard

Test Case 16: Pre-Whitelisted



Test Values

EXP Date: 01/****

Visa PAN: 4000000000002016

Mastercard PAN: 5200000000002011

American Express PAN: 340000000002013

Discover (Diners Club) PAN: 6011000000002018

CB/VISA PAN: Not Available at this current time, TBD. Please use the supported Visa PAN above.

CB/MC PAN: Not Available at this current time, TBD, Please use the supported Mastercard PAN above.

ELO PAN: Not Available at this current time, TBD

Expected Results - Lookup

cmpi_lookup response

Enrolled = Y

PAResStatus = Y

SignatureVerification = Y

whiteListStatus = Y

Xid = <Xid value> (Amex Only)

Cavv = <value>

EciFlag = <ECI value>

whiteListStatusSource = <value>

ACSUrl = <blank>

Payload = <blank>

ErrorNo = 0

ErrorDesc = <blank>

Expected Results - Authentication

cmpi_authenticate response


Additional Expected Results - Cardinal Cruise

payments.validated response

ActionCode = SUCCESS

ErrorNumber = 0

ErrorDescription = Success

Merchant Action

Merchant should proceed with the authorization message.

ECI Value 05

Visa, American Express, Discover (Diners Club), CB Visa, ELO

ECI Value 02

Mastercard, CB Mastercard

Test Case 17: Support TransStatus I


Support TransStatus I

Test Values

EXP Date: 01/****

Visa PAN: 4000000000002024

Mastercard PAN: 5200000000002029

American Express PAN: 340000000002021

Discover (Diners Club) PAN: 6011000000002026

CB/VISA PAN: Not Available at this current time, TBD. Please use the supported Visa PAN above.

CB/MC PAN: Not Available at this current time, TBD, Please use the supported Mastercard PAN above.

ELO PAN: Not Available at this current time, TBD

Expected Results - Lookup

cmpi_lookup response

Enrolled = Y

PAResStatus = I

SignatureVerification = Y

Xid = <Xid value> (Amex Only)

Cavv = <value>

EciFlag = <ECI value>

ACSUrl = <blank>

Payload = <blank>

ErrorNo = 0

ErrorDesc = <blank>

Expected Results - Authentication

cmpi_authenticate response


Additional Expected Results - Cardinal Cruise

payments.validated response

ActionCode = NOACTION

ErrorNumber = 0

ErrorDescription = Success

Merchant Action

Merchant should proceed with the authorization message.

ECI Value 07

Visa, American Express, Discover (Diners Club), CB Visa, ELO

ECI Value 00

Mastercard, CB Mastercard