To use Cardinal Commerce FIDO, the user must meet two basic requirements:

Table of Contents

Setup Function and Object

The setup function is a utility function used to begin a FIDO transaction. It should be the first thing run using the Cardinal FIDO SDK.

The setup function will return back a Promise object that can be resolved, in the case of successful processing, or rejected if an error occurs. When the Promise is resolved, a setup object will be returned that will indicate if the browser supports FIDO capabilities. If it does, then a payload field will be provided to pass on the next step of a FIDO transaction. When a device is detected as not FIDO enabled, no payload will be provided.

Setup Function

The setup call takes a single argument, CardType.








The card type of the account number that will be used during FIDO authentication. Possible values are the same as the `cmpi_lookup` CardType found below. Failure to include this field will result in all browser being detected as incompatible.

Setup Function Sample

Promise<Setup_Object> = CardinalFido.setup({ CardType: "" })

The values in CardType are taken from the same list as CardType in the cmpi_lookup:

Setup Object

A successfully resolved Setup object has two fields:








Indicates whether the browser supports FIDO features




A Base64-encoded payload to pass on the Data Exchange API that is required for a FIDO transaction. This field will only be passed back if the device is detected as FIDO compatible.

Setup Object Sample


"isDeviceCompatible": true,
"fidoSetupPayload": "Setup_Payload_Here"


"isDeviceCompatible": false

Browser Support

There are two primary types of browser support to consider when using FIDO:

  1. Will the FIDO SDK compile on the browser?

  2. Does the browser support the APIs necessary for FIDO?

Both of these conditions need to be met to use FIDO in a transaction. We’ll discuss each of these below in more detail.

SDK Compile Support

We build and test our SDK to work with a wide range of browsers. You can find this complete list of browsers in the browserlist section of the package.json file. Using the command npx browserlist will generate the list of browsers compatible with your version of the SDK.

FIDO API Support

The user’s browser will also need to be compatible with the FIDO API. The API has two core components explained in the table below:

API Name


Browser Support Information


This is the core API of FIDO. While the Cardinal FIDO SDK doesn’t use WebAuthN directly, it is used at our downstream providers.

External Link: CanIUse: WebAuthN


This API is used directly by the Cardinal FIDO SDK and as such is a hard requirement for browser API support.

External Link: CanIUse: isUserVerifyingPlatformAuthenticatorAvailable