Changes made on 2020-05-01 are delineated below.

Additions are underlined in Green. Deletions are underlined in Red. Modifications are underlined in Blue.

Change occurred: EMV 3DS 2.0 Test Cases

Test Case 14: Require MethodURL


Require MethodURL

Test Values

EXP Date: 01/****

Visa PAN: 4000010000000001

Mastercard PAN: 5200010000000006

American Express PAN: 340001000000007

Discover (Diners Club) PAN: 6011010000000003

CB/VISA PAN: Not Available at this current time, TBD. Please use the supported Visa PAN above.

CB/MC PAN: Not Available at this current time, TBD, Please use the supported Mastercard PAN above.

ELO PAN: Not Available at this current time, TBD

Expected Results - Lookup

cmpi_lookup response

Enrolled = Y

PAResStatus = Y

SignatureVerification = Y

Xid = <Xid value> (Amex Only)

Cavv = <value>

EciFlag = <ECI value>

ACSUrl = <blank>

Payload = <blank>

ErrorNo = 0

ErrorDesc = <blank>

Expected Results - Authentication

cmpi_authenticate response


Additional Expected Results - Cardinal Cruise

payments.validated response

ActionCode = NOACTION

ErrorNumber = 0

ErrorDescription = Success

Merchant Action

Merchant should proceed with the authorization message.

ECI Value 07

Visa, American Express, Discover (Diners Club), CB Visa, ELO

ECI Value 00

Mastercard, CB Mastercard