The followings are some of the security guidance to be followed by the Requestor App for secure use of the SDK. Check WarningsAfter you configure "cardinalSession", call "getWarnings" method on cardinal session to get a list of all the Warnings detected by the SDK. For Example, Code Block |
NSArray<Warning *> *warnings = [session getWarnings]; |
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| let warnings = session.getWarnings()
Following six vulnerabilities are detected by SDK: Security Warnings ID | Description | Severity |
SW01 | The device is jailbroken. | High | SW02 | The integrity of the SDK has tampered. | High | SW03 | An emulator is being used to run the App. | High | SW04 | A debugger is attached to the App. | Medium | SW05 | The OS or the OS version is not supported. | High | SW06 | The application is not installed from a trusted source. | High |
Analyze the list of warnings to take further action.
Check SDK VersionCall "getSDKBuildVersion" and "getSDKBuildNumber" method from Cardinal class to get the build version and number of the SDK. For Example, Code Block |
NSString *sdkBuildVersion = [CardinalSession getSDKBuildVersion];
NSString *sdkBuildNumber = [CardinalSession getSDKBuildNumber]; |
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| let sdkBuildVersion = CardinalSession.getSDKBuildVersion()
let sdkBuildNumber = CardinalSession.getSDKBuildNumber()
After initializing, check the SDK Version to make sure you are using the latest version of the SDK. |