State Description | Error Code | Error Description |
Initialize/Setup - (void)setupWithJWT:(NSString*) jwtString didComplete:(CardinalSessionSetupDidCompleteHandler) didCompleteHandler didValidate:(CardinalSessionSetupDidValidateHandler) didValidateHandler; | 20201 | Invalid Transition: Cardinal.configure() failed to initialize or complete. |
20202 | Invalid JWT String. | |
20203 | Invalid Receiver Deligate . - | |
20203 - 20206 | Internal Error. | |
20211 - 20212 | Internal Error. | |
ProcessBin - (void)processBin:(NSString*)accountNumber didComplete:(CardinalSessionProcessBinDidCompleteHandler)didCompleteHandler; | 20401 | Invalid Transition: Cardinal.setup() failed to initialize or complete. |
20411 | Invalid Response from Process Bin call. | |
Continue - (void)continueWithTransactionId:(NSString *)transactionId payload:(NSString *)payload directoryServerID:(NSString *) directoryServerID didValidateDelegate:(id<CardinalValidationDelegate>)validationDelegate; | 20601 | Invalid Transition: Cardinal.setup() failed to initialize or complete. |
20602 | Invalid Receiver Interface or Delegate | |
20603 | Invalid Transaction ID passed to Continue. | |
20604 | Invalid Payload passed to Continue: Empty Payload | |
20605 | Invalid Payload passed to Continue. | |
20606 | Payload Validation failed. | |
20611 | Invalid Payload. | |
20612 | Invalid ACS Payload. | |
20701 - 20702 | Internal Error. | |
20811 | Internal Error. |