Versions Compared


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NOTE: If you are in the process of considering readiness for EMVco 3DS 2.0 protocols, the authenticate message may not be required. You should consider migrating to our Cardinal Cruise Java Script where a hybrid approach may be used. Please contact your activation or sales engineering team to discuss your next steps.

The Authenticate Message is responsible for returning the Consumer Authentication outcome to the Merchant. The message will return the status of the Authentication to the Merchant, enabling the Merchant to handle the order/authorization processing according to the outcome.

Once Authentication is completed, the Consumer will be redirected back to the TermUrl representing a webpage on the Merchant website. The Merchant is required to receive this form POST and construct the Authenticate Message to complete the transaction and determine the status of the Authentication. Cardinal will receive the Authenticate Message, decrypt the Authentication data and perform data validation checks on the Authentication result. Cardinal will return a response indicating the status of the Authentication transaction. 

In the event a non-zero ErrorNo value is returned or the SignatureVerification element is not Y, the transaction should not be authorized and the Consumer should be prompted for another method of payment.

In the event the ErrorNo element is 0 (zero) and the SignatureVerification element is Y, indicating all fraud checks were satisfied, then the PAResStatus value will define how the transaction should be processed. Based on the transaction outcome, the Merchant's order management system should be updated and the appropriate message should be displayed to the Consumer. 

cmpi_authenticate Request Message

Second message of the Lookup/Authenticate pair used in processing Consumer Authentication transactions. The values are posted to the TermUrl from the external systems involved in processing the transactions. The webpage represented by the TermUrl should retrieve the PARes value from the HTTP Request object for use in creating this message. 

The message is used to communicate the PARes generated by the Issuer ACS software to Cardinal. Cardinal will verify the digital signature within the PARes to validate that the authentication results were properly generated and not altered. The authentication data values including the transactions status, XID, CAVV/AAV and the ECI are extracted from the PARes and returned to the Merchant on the response message. 


  • All fields use ASCII character set (0-9, A-Z, a-z, special characters)

    • Use of special characters is allowed in most fields defined as Alpha Numeric (AN)

    • The following special characters must be escaped before using: & <  >  "  ' 

  • The required field contains one of the following values

    • Y = Yes (Required field)

    • C = Conditional (Conditions of transaction determine if this field will be returned or not)

    • O = Optional (Not required but highly recommended)

    • Boolean = True or False

Table of Contents

Field Name



Field Definition


Merchant identification code. This value is assigned to the Merchant.




Merchant specified data.








PARes generated transaction identifier. This value links the request message to the cmpi_lookup message.

CONDITION: When the TransactionId is passed in the PARes value does not need to be passed in.




Merchant Processor identification code. This value is assigned to the Merchant.




Centinel generated transaction identifier. This value links the request message to the cmpi_lookup message.

NOTE: The TransactionId is the preferred identifier for linking the Lookup and Authenticate message.




A password to secure and verify the transaction originated from the Merchant represented by the transaction details. The password value is configured in the Merchant profile. 




Identifies the Transaction Type used for processing.

Possible Values:

C - Credit Card/Debit Card Authentication




Application message version identifier.

Current Version - 1.7



3DS Extension Support

IVR Extensions (India Only)


The authentication credential used to authenticate the Consumer with the ACS. This will be an OTP (One Time Password) or SP (Static Password).



(required for IVR transactions)



A flag to indicate if the passed credential has been encrypted by the Merchant


cmpi_authenticate Response Message

This message is generated in response to the cmpi_authenticate request message.


All fields use ASCII character set (0-9, A-Z, a-z, special characters $%&@!_ etc


)The required field contains one of the following values
  • Y = Yes (Required field)
  • C = Conditional (Conditions of transaction determine if this field will be returned or not)


    = Optional (Not required but highly recommended)

  • N = No (Not required)
  • Boolean

    = True or FalseField NameDescriptionRequiredField DefinitionCavv

    Cardholder Authentication Verification Value (CAVV)

    Authentication Verification Value (AVV)

    Universal Cardholder Authentication Field (UCAF-eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.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.i1tkSBNpymtWfFnjvt60JpPuZV9cv3sHn8EfOv9_AXM)

    This value should be appended to the authorization message signifying that the transaction has been successfully authenticated. This value will be encoded according to the Merchant's configuration in either Base64 encoding or Hex encoding. A Base64 encoding Merchant configuration will produce values of 28 or 32 characters. A Hex encoding Merchant configuration will produce values of 40 or 48 characters. The value when decoded will either be 20 bytes for CAVV for 20 or 24 bytes if the value is AAV (Mastercard UCAF)


    Indicates the algorithm used to generate the CAVV value.

    Possible Values:

    2 - CVV with ATN

    3 - Mastercard SPA algorithm

    NOTE: Only returned for MasterCard SecureCode transaction (3DS 1.0).


    Electronic Commerce Indicator (ECI). The ECI value is part of the 2 data elements that indicate the transaction was processed electronically.  This should be passed on the authorization transaction to the Gateway/Processor. 

    Possible Values:

    02 or 05 - Fully Authenticated Transaction

    01 or 06 - Attempted Authentication Transaction 

    00 or 07 - Non 3-D Secure Transaction

    Mastercard - 02, 01, 00

    VISA - 05, 06, 07

    AMEX - 05, 06, 07

    JCB - 05, 06, 07

    DINERS CLUB - 05, 06, 07

    Cartes Bancaires (CB) Visa - 05, 06, 07

    Cartes Bancaires (CB) Mastercard -  02, 01, 00

    ELO: 05, 06, 07


    Application error description for the associated error number.

    NOTE: Multiple error descriptions are separated by a comma.


    Application error number. A non-zero value represents the error encountered while attempting to process the message request.

    NOTE: Multiple error numbers are separated by a comma.

    YAN(255)MerchantReferenceNumberMerchant specified data.OAN(20)PAResStatus

    Transaction status result identifier.

    Possible Values:

    Y - Successful Authentication

    N - Failed Authentication

    B - Bypassed Authentication

    U - Unable to Complete Authentication

    A - Successful Attempts Transaction


    Transaction Signature status identifier.

    Possible Values:

    Y - Indicates that the signature of the PARes has been validated successfully and the message contents can be trusted.

    N - Indicates that the PARes could not be validated. This result could be for a variety of reasons; tampering, certificate expiration, etc., and the result should not be trusted.


    Universal Cardholder Authentication Field (UCAF) Indicator value provided by the issuer. 

    Possible Values:

    0 - Non-SecureCode transaction, bypassed by the Merchant

    1 - Merchant-Only SecureCode transaction

    2 - Fully authenticated SecureCode transaction

    NOTE: This field is only returned for Mastercard transactions.


    Transaction identifier resulting from authentication processing.

    NOTE: Gateway/Processor API specification may require this value to be appended to the authorization message. This value will be encoded according to the Merchant's configuration in either Base64 encoding or Hex encoding. A Base64 encoding Merchant configuration will produce values of 28 characters. A Hex encoding Merchant configuration will produce values of 40 characters.


    This field contains the 3DS version that was used to process the transaction.

    Possible Values:





    Card brand that the transaction was processed for authentication.  

    Possible Values:



    YAN(16)CardBinCard bin represents the first six numbers of the CardNumber field passed in on the cmpi_lookup request.YAN(6)


    Unique transaction identifier assigned by the ACS to identify a single transaction.CAN(36)


    Unique transaction identifier assigned by the Directory Server (DS) to identify a single transaction.

    NOTE: Required for Mastercard Identity Check transaction in Authorization



    Unique transaction identifier assigned by the 3DS Server to identify a single transaction.CAN(36)

    3DS 2.0 Fields

    Field NameDescriptionRequiredConditionField DefinitionChallengeCancel

    An indicator as to why the transaction was canceled.

    Possible Values: 

    01 - Cardholder selected 'Cancel'

    02 - Reserved for future EMVCo use (values invalid until defined by EMVCo).

    03 - Transaction Timed Out—Decoupled Authentication

    04 - Transaction timed out at ACS—other timeouts

    05 - Transaction Timed out at ACS - First CReq not received by ACS

    06 - Transaction Error

    07 - Unknown 

    08 = Transaction Timed Out at SDK

    NOTE: Only present when the Consumer cancels the challenge.  Decoupled authentication is not supported at this time.


    Merchant Configuration ON

    Required in CReq for 01-APP if the authentication transaction was canceled by user interaction with the cancelation button in the UI or for other reasons as indicated.

    Required in the RReq if the ACS identifies that the authentication transaction was canceled for reasons as indicated.

    Value of 04 or 05 is required when Transaction Status Reason = 14.

    N(2)InteractionCounterIndicates the number of authentication cycles attempted by the cardholder and is tracked by the Issuing Banks ACS.  CFlag is ONN(2)StatusReason

    Provides additional information as to why the PAResStatus has a specific value. 

    NOTE: Required for Payment (e.g. Authentication Indicator equals 01 on Lookup Request) transactions when PAResStatus is equal to N, U, or R in the Lookup Response. 

    CMerchant Configuration ONN(2)ReasonCodeThe error code indicating a problem with this transaction. C3DS 2.0AN(255)ReasonDesc

    Text and additional detail about the error for this transaction.  

    NOTE: This field concatenates the errorDescription and errorDetail from the authentication response message.

    C3DS 2.0AN(4096)ACSRenderingType

    Identifies the UI Type the ACS will use to complete the challenge. 

    NOTE: Only available for App transactions using the Cardinal Mobile SDK.  Decoupled authentication is not supported at this time.


    Merchant Configuration ON & App

    For RReq, required unless ACS Decoupled Confirmation = Y.


    Indicates the type of authentication that will be used to challenge the card holder. 

    Possible Values:

    01 - Static

    02 - Dynamic 

    03 - OOB (Out of Band)

    04 - Decoupled

    NOTE: EMV® 3-D Secure version 2.1.0 supports values 01-03.  Version 2.2.0 supports values 01-04.  Decoupled authentication is not supported at this time.


    Merchant Configuration ON

    Required in the RReq message if the Transaction Status = Y or N in the RReq message.

    N(2)SdkTransIDSDK unique transaction identifier that is generated on each new transaction.RAN(36)WhiteListStatus

    Enables the communication of trusted beneficiary/whitelist status between the ACS, the DS and the 3DS Requestor.

    Possible Values: 

    Y - 3DS Requestor is whitelisted by cardholder

    N - 3DS Requestor is not whitelisted by cardholder

    E - Not eligible as determined by issuer

    P - Pending confirmation by cardholder

    R - Cardholder rejected

    U - Whitelist status unknown, unavailable, or does not apply


    This data element will be populated by the system setting Whitelist Status.

    Possible Values:

    01 - 3DS Server

    02 - DS

    03 - ACS

    CRequired if Whitelist Status is present.N(2)Cartes Bancaire - OnlyAuthorizationPayload

    The Base64 encoded JSON Payload of CB specific Authorization Values returned in the challenge Flow

    Example File:AuthorizationPayload-JSON File

    CMerchant Configuration ONBase64 EncodedCavvAlgorithmIdentifies the algorithm used by the ACS to calculate the
    Authentication Value and is derived from the  "CB-AVALGOOOptional for CBCBN(1)

    API Key Usage - OPTIONAL

    Centinel has added support for submitting requests using an API Key. In the past, a request was submitted using a MerchantId, ProcessorId, and TransactionPwd value within the request. In order to provide more flexibility with submitting requests and rotating keys, functionality has been added to support using an API Key when submitting requests. In place of the MerchantId, ProcessorId, and TransactionPwd fields, a request will instead be submitted with identifier, OrgUnit, Algorithm, Timestamp, and Signature fields.


    A client wanting to authenticate with Centinel using API Keys will need to do so on both the cmpi_lookup and cmpi_authenticate requests.

    Field Name
    Field Definition

    The hash algorithm that was used to generate the Signature for the request.

    Possible Values:




    The unique identifier representing the API Key being used to generate the Signature that is specified on the request. This value will be provided by Cardinal at the time the API Key is generated.


    The unique organizational unit for which the request is being processed for. Each merchant within the system will be assigned a unique OrgUnit value by Cardinal.


    The signature for the request being submitted. This value is generated by hashing the combination of the Timestamp and the API Key. For additional information, please see the specific section on generating signature values.


    The unix epoch time in milliseconds for the point in time that the request is generated.



    Additional Response Fields

    Additional fields that can be returned for EMV 3DS (3DS 2.0). 

    Field Name
    Field Definition

    The Base64 encoded JSON Payload of CB specific Authorization Values returned in the Frictionless Flow.

    Example File: Authorization Payload-File

    NOTE: For all card brands

    CMerchant Configuration ONBase64 Encoded